Welcome to


NamSai means clear water in Thai. When we started digging our ponds the water that came up was clear blue.
We hope that it will signify the quality of our produce on our ecological farm.

What we will provide


We have many varieties of fruits, herbs and vegetables on our farm. This said we are just getting started.

Canned, freeze dried food and condiments

As everything tends to go ripe at the same time we are planning to preserve the produce.


We will be producing wooden items once all the hardwood dries.

About Us

We are in the process of creating a place to retire and to keep busy on a farm growing organic produce.

We are already selling some produce but it is too early for you to visit us just yet. Plants are being planted, seeds are being sown, fish are escaping our attempts to get them out of the water and the infrastructure is being set up to keep them all healthy.


Are you curious about what we are doing? If so please reach out!